Wednesday, February 14, 2018


"The most serious charge which can be brought against New England is not Puritanism but February." - Joseph Wood Krutch, The Twelve Seasons, 1949, p. 169.

2/25/18 @ Studio Current Sessions #9, Seattle WA
*Event page*

2/19/18 @ Timbre Room, Seattle WA
also Jessica MossBenoƮt Pioulard
*Event page*

2/17/18 @ Seattle Improvised Music Festival, The Chapel, Seattle WA
3pm-5pm Improvised music/dance performance curated by Corrie Befort.
Dancers: Corrie Befort, Allison Burke, Noelle Chun, Nahshon Marden, Karen Nelson, Amelia Reeber, Brandin Steffensen, Alia Swersky, Hendri Walujo, Syniva Whitney; Musicians: Tom Baker, Ruby Dunphy, James Falzone, Haley Freedlund, Greg Kelley, Ha-Yang Kim, Dave Knott, Cristin Miller, Steve Peters
*Event page*

2/13/18 @ Dub Narcotic Studio, Olympia WA
w/ Jack Wright/Evan Lipson/Mark Kaylor
also Grrrlsxxx, Arrington de Dionyso/Ben Kapp
*Event page*