Wednesday, July 24, 2019


"Unkempt, untidy, absent-minded,
Soaked through with smell of dill and rye,
With linden-blossom, grass and beet-leaves,
The meadow-scented month July."
Boris Pasternak, July

(I used this poem for last year's July entry, but... oh well... if anyone reads this *and* has some idea about July poems, please post them in the comments.)

July was going to be a quieter month with just a couple of performance commitments, but it has blossomed into handful of shows weighted towards the last week of the month (and one which has already happened)....

7/31/19 @ Vermillion, The Every Other Series, Seattle WA
also readings of Oulipo & Oulipo-inspired works by Françoise Canter & Paolo Pergola
*Event page*

7/28/19 @ Black Lodge, Seattle WA
Trio w/ Dave Abramson/Bill Horist
also Media Giant, Blackwell/Delisle/Sinibaldi
*Event page*

7/27/19 @ Embrace the Chaos: Experimental Arts & Print, Rainier Cultural Center, Seattle WA
also Death Masks, Adam Levitt, Neil Welch, etc.
*Event page*

7/24/19 @ Royal Room, Seattle WA
Quartet w/ Casey Adams/Wally Shoup/Tom Scully
also Citrine (Mike Gebhart/Wayne Horvitz/Levi Gillis/Geoff Harper), Match (Ruby Lucinda solo)
*Event page*

7/13/19 @ Experimental Brunch, Snohomish WA
also Death Masks, Adam Levitt, Forrest Friends, Tarsier Eyes, etc.
*Event page*